Inane Ramblings

04 October 2004


Hello, everyone.

Here's the place to discuss all those talking points and other tidbits that I routinely send out. Pleace be civil, and respect other points of view. Not everyone on the distribution is voting for Kerry, you know!


  • Did you ever wonder why both Bush presidents have held such a hard line against Cuba and Fidel Castro?
    Well, it isn't because they oppose communism, it's not because they want to restore freedom and democracy to the island, and it certainly isn't because of any empathy they might have for the long-suffering Cuban people.

    No, it's because they LOST A LOT OF MONEY WHEN CASTRO TOOK OVER.

    Read the following excerpt from "American Dynasty", by Kevin Phillips. It's about George H. W. Bush's grandfather...

    "…he had longstanding ties to Cuba and served as a director of seven related companies during the mid-and late 1920s and early 1930s: the Cuba Company, the Cuban Railroad, Cuban-Dominican Sugar, Barahona Sugar, Cuba Distilling, Sugar Estates of Oriente, and Atlantic Fruit and Sugar…

    In the 1930s and 1940s, young Bush’s favorite uncle, Herbie-George Herbert Walker Jr.-took over directorships of several of these Cuban-Dominican sugar companies, which ultimately merged into West Indies Sugar in 1942...The events of the late 1950s and early 1960s would make the commitments of both Prescott and George H.W. Bush stand out in bold relief. Cuba’s fate would be a personal as well as professional preoccupation. Old Batstia-era loyalties would linger even into the twenty-first century, when Florida Governor Jeb Bush would nominate Batista’s grandson, Raul Cantero, to the state supreme court."

    If you want to find out more, read the rest of the book, it's fascinating and chilling.

    By Blogger Unknown, At 10/04/2004 08:39:00 AM  

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