Inane Ramblings

10 May 2005

Base Closures...suddenly it all makes sense.

I've often wondered why the BRAC has always focused on bases and resources in the busy Northeast Corridor. Yes, the same place that's the closest part of America to Europe. The same place that almost all airliners on the Great Circle have to fly over. Yes, the same place that was under attack on 9/11. (Quick, name the closest airbase with active-duty personnel and tactical fighter jets...betcha can't. Reserve bases don't count.)

The Boston Globe today had an interesting story on the culture of the military, entitled Military Culture rooted in Geography. Reading it, I finally put two and two together. George Bush is closing all the bases in the Northeast and re-aligning personnel to the southwest and west for political purposes. He's moving all the traditionally conservative military voters to places already strong with those types of people, and further consolidating his base. It's all perfectly clear to me now. Read the following passage, and then go to the full story and read it in context...

President Bush's understanding of the military culture came across in his words. But it also came through in his Texas manner, the way he looked, acted, and spoke.

To many military families -- even in places like Ohio, West Virginia, and western Pennsylvania -- military culture is almost synonymous with the culture of the South and Southwest. Patriotism is expressed with a Southern twang, while nagging questions are raised in a Northeastern whine. Even a Vietnam War hero from the Northeast came across as too steeped in intellectualism and internationalism to understand military families.

These days, it is hard to tell how many military values are intrinsic to the military and how many are simply native to the South and Southwest, where so many active-duty soldiers are stationed. Attitudes widely regarded as military are common to many in the Sun Belt, and military families probably picked them up there.

By contrast, there are not a lot of children in New England with a father or mother wearing a military uniform every day. The majority of children in New England are growing up without classmates whose parents are in active-duty service. Having a mom or dad working on an Army base may seem as exotic as having them work at a Buddhist temple.

So, at the end of the day, all the military resources are going to be in states loyal to George Bush...and the blue states that would oppose him would be powerless to defend themselves. Do you see where this is going, or must I draw you a picture?


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