Inane Ramblings

30 April 2007

Little Einsteins....made in China?

Good Morning!

Javi's favorite Disney program of late has been the Little Einsteins. If you haven't watched it, it's about some precocious 6-year-olds that fly around the world in their rocket ships and use music to solve an endless series of puzzles.

Anyway....I actually sat and paid attention to the opening sequence yesterday morning, and I noticed something very curious. The kids run out to their tree, and slide down to their secret underground lair. Then they use their 'magic' to get rocket to launch.

The fly out of the tree, and without disappearing into the clouds or flying over a body of water, the first thing they see is.....the Great Wall of China! Then it's off to the Taj Mahal....and then the pyramids! Lastly, they soar over the Eiffel Tower, and the opening sequence ends!

Well, that's got me thinking....they're obviously based in China, aren't they? But I suppose that would make sense, since this program is attempting to use music as a teaching aid, and given the sorry state of music education in this country, I suppose they had to be based somewhere that the arts and music are still valued.

I also noticed something curious about their nemesis, "big jet". It's a generic fighter jet to the kiddies, but to these learned eyes, it looks like a MiG-29. Which of course, would be more worrisome to the Chinese than us Americans.

Coincidence? I don't think so!


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