Inane Ramblings

14 October 2004

Debate Bias

Did you find the moderator last night to be just a little bit too pro-Bush? There were never any hard questions, and he let the president walk all over him more than once; a clear violation of the carefully negotiated 32 pages of rules. In the meantime, he asked Kerry lots of useless puffery that was meant to showcase him as a liberal 'out of touch with mainstream America'. Questions on religion, gay marriage, and the like. (Ooh, my top two issues this year!)

Well, just in case you were wondering, Bob Schieffer is a personal friend of the President and should have NEVER been on the stage last night with the candidates.

Bob Schieffer comes from Texas, and he tends to root for pols from that
part of the country. And, according to what he told Larry King, he isn’t too
high on those “northeastern” swells. More remarkably, he’s a long-time personal
friend of George Bush—and Bush will be one of the evening’s two candidates!
Indeed, Schieffer used to play golf with Bush. He used to go to ball games with
Bush. The two men even went to spring training together, according to Howard
Kurtz’s well-ignored profile! And Schieffer’s brother, Tom Schieffer, is a
long-time, close business associate of Bush. Indeed, after Bush found his way to
to the White House, Tom Schieffer slept in the Lincoln Bedroom! Today he serves
as U.S. ambassador to Australia. Family friend Bush sent him there.


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