The Guardian (UK) notes Bush is mentally unstable...
I bet you'll never see this in the American media!
A senior Republican, experienced and wise in the ways of Washington,
told me last Friday that he does not necessarily accept that Bush is unstable,
but what is clear, he added, is that he is now manifestly unfit to be President.
This, too, is a view that is widely felt, but seldom articulated
and then only in private, within the Republican as well as Democratic
establishments in Washington. Either way, the choice voters make on Tuesday
fortnight should be obvious: whether he is unstable or merely unfit to be
President - and I would argue that they amount to much the same - he should
speedily be turfed out of office.
But Bush and his handlers like Cheney are driven, if nothing else,
by a primal and overriding need to win, to destroy enemies who are blocking
their way (shades, again, of Nixon?). Thus the speeches Bush now reads to the
Republican faithful at his campaign meetings reflect their intent to demonise
and annihilate Kerry's character in the eyes of the electorate; policy
statements made by Kerry are wilfully distorted and then endlessly repeated so
that, in the end, the distortions gain a credence among the majority who do not
follow such matters closely.
Whether the American electorate choose to see the mounting,
disturbing evidence about their President or whether they rally to Cheney's
obscenely manipulative appeals for their patriotic support is still up in the
For the rest of the article, go here:,6903,1329254,00.html
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