Dear Mr. President
Anyway....this was posted via good old snail mail back on May 17. I'm not really expecting a reply, but it shall be posted here with all due speed should I receive one.
President George W. Bush
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington, DC 20500
May 17, 2006
Dear Mr. President:
I am writing today to petition for redress of grievances, under the rights granted to me in the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. As a citizen and voter, I am calling on you to account for your actions that are clearly in violation of several portions of the Constitution.
Chief among these is my concern over the egregious violation of my fourth amendment rights that were revealed by USA Today in the past week. I am a Verizon customer, and I am deeply concerned that my phone records have been turned over to the Federal Government without a warrant.
I am married to a person of Cuban extraction; she has family in the country of Venezuela. By the simple virtue of the US and Venezuela not being on friendly terms, and the fact that my wife would speak in Spanish to her relatives, would that be enough to trigger suspicion?
The FISA court exists for a reason, Mr. President, and that reason is to protect the rights of innocent Americans…rights you have destroyed by your data-mining under the Patriot Act.
Which moves me to my next point. The Founding Fathers clearly foresaw that concentrating powers in a single branch of government is dangerous. The Boston Globe recently exposed more than 750 ‘signing statements’ that you attached to various laws that you signed. I’m wondering how you can legally justify this, seeing that Article 1, Section 1 of the constitution vested the legislative powers in the Congress. If you disagreed with these laws, why didn’t you send them back for further revisions, as is your right as the executive? Simply stating that you will ignore the laws you don’t agree with is dangerously close to absolute rule and despotism…and has no place legally under the Constitution that you swore to uphold.
Even more so than specific points of the Constitution, your policies as president have violated the spirit and ideals that the constitution was founded upon. Indeed, our union is less perfect, justice has been trampled, and domestic tranquility has vanished under a barrage of vile hatemongers. I’m wondering how can we provide for the common defense with our army overseas and our national guard stretched to its limits, or promote the general welfare with such huge deficits brought on by war and tax cuts for the special interests and wealthy? The frosting on the cake is the illegal Patriot Act, which goes so far as to reduce the blessings of liberty, not secure them.
These are not empty words…Thomas Jefferson himself wrote in the Declaration of Independence “That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. “
I therefore accuse you of violating not just the constitution, but the very ideals that this nation was founded on. You do not have my consent to do these things, so you have no just power in my eyes. It is therefore my right and duty as a citizen of these united states to alter or abolish your system of government, and I shall be doing everything available that is within my legal powers as a Citizen of these United States to ensure that people who support the things I believe in are legally elected to the House and Senate, and may begin impeachment proceedings as specified by Article II, Section 4 to remove you and your cabinet and restore hope and prosperity to the United States, and indeed, the world.
With all due respect,
David M.
25 Summer Street
Waltham, MA