Inane Ramblings

23 June 2010

Obama isn't really working out for me.

In 2008, I had had more than enough of George Bush. I blogged hard, talked to anyone that would listen, and phone banked for the Democratic candidate down the stretch. I really and truly feared what might happen to the United States if we had four more years of Republican Policy under a President McCain.

January, 2009 found me on the National Mall with about 2 million others, cheering in relief and celebrating what we hoped would be the voice of reason in the White House. Hope..and change…was in the air.

Not quite 30 days later, I lost my job.

So here we are, over a year later. I’m still not permanently employed, we just lost our insurance, and most egregious of all, my car is probably destroyed by a broken fan belt that messed up the timing and likely ruined the engine.

Under the Bush Regime…I bought a new car. I had a steady job with a good company and an easy commute. We had the best insurance available in the state in Blue Cross. We could afford to travel a couple of times a year. Hell, we even went to Disney World. And we did this on only one job. Yep, I was the ‘breadwinner’, and Mrs. TriSec was a stay at home Mom.

Now, I’m working two jobs just to stay ahead of the bills. Mrs. TriSec also has a small job at the school, but that’s gone away for the summer and she’s not sure she’ll be back in the fall. We have no savings. COBRA has just run out, so we have no insurance…and the other day on the way between jobs, my car died.

I hate to say it, but I was doing better under the Republicans.

Does this change my worldview? Maybe a little. Let me be clear; I will never agree with a Republican on social issues. Ever. Understood?

But as far as the economy and all those other things go…is it possible the Republicans are right? I don’t know about the 10,000-foot-view, and what it means for society, the nation, the world. But I look around my little world and I see that things are worse instead of better. In fact, they are far worse than things were on January 19, 2009.

Did I make the wrong choice?


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